

This site (www.stereostance.com) was created for entertainment purposes as a 'proof of concept'. All intellectual property belongs its respective owner; this site does not make any claims of ownership.

In publishing the articles found on this site, we do use pictures, videos, songs and other media which does not belong to the owners of this site. We use this media for personal purposes only and do not have any ads. We do our best to make proper references to the correct sources for all media, and in the event we do not, we apologize. Please contact us if you have any questions. 

All information may be subject to amendment and updating without notice.

Every effort is made to keep the website up and running smoothly. However, stereostance.com takes no responsibility for and will not be liable for the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues.

To contact us, email us in confidence at stereostance@gmail.com

Thank you for visiting the site and hope you enjoyed it!



-The guys at Stereostance