State of Stereostance 2015

Hello everybody! 

I hope you are all having a lovely St. Valentine's day with that special someone in your life.

As we wrote to you last Valentine's day, we've decided to make this day into a sort of unofficial "State of site address."

Before I begin, I would just like to take a moment to thank everyone for their support of this project and to all our friends out there, wether online or throughout the web-net inter-tubes Blogosphere

  • Our first post was about a popular Calvin Harris track; "Thinking About You". It was put up on the fifth of february 2013. Nearly Two years ago
  • Since then we've had a total of 115 posts, averaging almost one post per week.
  • Our most viewed post was Tim's Post on the Toyota 86 Battle Royale, with an amazing 339 hearts!
  • However, the most hearted post was instead his post on the Team 5 Star S2000, with 432 hearts.
  • The most common search that brought people to our page was: "idlers tires"
  • The most popular countries to visit our site was the US followed by Australia, the UK, Brazil, Canada, germany and Russia.
  • However, the most common cities our fans were from were, in order: Sydney, LA, London, Sao Paulo, Vienna and Singapore

Between fighting the adbots who are constantly posting ED-medication links and spam we've managed to add a few features to the site.

We added:

In conclusion I would like to say that despite the constraints "real life" can sometimes play on our free time, we've managed to keep this project healthy and alive, and after 2 quick years we see no reasons to stop!

Lastly, in the spirit of love I would ask you to like our page on facebook, and share the site to your friends who might be interested. After all, we are a love-powered-add-free-project. (though you can donate if you would like :) )

Happy Valentines day and much love from the us at  StereoStance !


PS: Here's a little something for this romantic day of ours, enjoy. :)