
Song by:

This is the song I will tell people, when asked for my favorite song.

"Zenophile" is one of the songs taken off the amazing and progressive "Destroy Rock & Roll" album by the Scottish Myles MacInnes, otherwise known as Mylo (usually the song people remember from the album is "Drop the Pressure").
Released in 2004, the album is a completely digital and featuring numerous samples and sound bits, yet at the same time retains a very organic flare. This track is no different, and features harps, punchy synths, drums, shakers and the whole lot. I can't understate how this album had defined my taste in music over they years, as I always come back to it. One day I swear I will get a vinyl of this album.

Zenophile begins with a catchy tune, percussion and some simple drums. After a few rounds of buildups, we get a harp, only accompanied with the percussion. The song continues in beautiful and harmonic interplay of melodies, sown together with filters, wah-wahs. The acoustic soundscape is eventually broken down by the entrance of a large horn with a delicate balance of reverb. Overall the tune carries with it, for me, a very lyrical tone and plays beautifully off the assortment of sounds.

Please take a listen to this track as I consider it a masterpiece in it's own right. Depending on the response, I will feature some of Mylo's other tracks from Destroy Rock & Roll.

Tim: This was our first electornic music album, and for me at least, was the beginning of my interest in this genre. With all the rap and hip-hop around me, I'm glad I moved to this kind of music. I'd call this album the genesis.

As usual let us know what you think!